These artist books are the result of my participation in Instagram’s international challenge with the hashtag areyoubookenough and areyoubookenough_THEME, created and coordinated from Editions Studio.
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AreYouBookEnough (artist books)
We Are All Mahsa Amini (#areyoubookenough_protest, September 2022)
Jo sóc la llar eterna (#areyoubookenough_red, February 2021)
La princesa i el pèsol (#areyoubookenough_recycle, November 2020)
Coratge (#areyoubookenough_mountain, August 2020)
La llista (#areyoubookenough_sea, July 2020)
Humans (#areyoubookenough_human, May 2020)
40N (#areyoubookenough_machine, April 2020)
Vademecum (#areyoubookenough_heal, March 2020)
Entre cotons (#areyoubookenough_inbetween, January 2020)
Amazònia (#areyoubookenough_intothewoods, August 2019)
Mesura (#areyoubookenough_measure, July 2019)