Coratge (#areyoubookenough_mountain, August 2020)


Japanese binding
30.5 x 8 cm
Covers: reused foam, lined with reused, hand-stamped linen 
Interior: metallic paper and tracing paper written and decorated by hand

This book is a homage to my paternal grandmother because without her *courage I probably wouldn’t exist.

One of the treasures about my grandmother is that she was a modern woman, before and after the war. So, I was inspired by Chillida’s posters for the lettering, which I copied from one of them and completed according to my notions of hand lettering. The decoration is also inspired by and adapted from his posters.

* Courage is an attitude towards certain emotions and sentiments, like fear or suffering, facing them to take a desired action or behaviour. Etymologically, it comes from the Latin cor (‘heart’).